
Turn.js 4.1.0 - 2012/11/65

+ Added support to the Android's default browser
+ Fixed the hard page effect in IE9
+ Fixed issue #220

Turn.js 4.0.9 - 2012/08/03

+ Fixed issue when using the .own-size class
+ Event zoom.change now is preventable

Turn.js 4.0.8 - 2012/07/16

+ Added option direction
+ Added method direction
+ Added property direction

Turn.js 4.0.7 - 2012/07/12

+ Fixed a issue of the pages method
+ Fixed issue #112
+ corner argument of the start event now returns null when using the methods next, previous and page
+ Fixed issue of certain samples in IE8

Turn.js 4.0.6 - 2012/07/10

+ Fixed a issue of the peel method when using the single display
+ Fixed issue of using all the corners in single display mode
+ Added method version
+ Added option turnCorner

Turn.js 4.0.5 - 2012/06/16

+ Fixed some visualization issues of the zoom viewport

Turn.js 4.0.4 - 2012/06/16

+ Fixed a problem of the method page and event start

Turn.js 4.0.3 - 2012/06/16

+ Fixed minor issues of HTML4 version

Turn.js 4.0.2 - 2012/06/16

+ New Zoom viewport
+ New magazine sample

Turn.js 4.0.1 - 2012/06/12

+ Fixed some issues when calculating z-index of pages
+ Added method peel

Release 4 Commercial - 2012/06/07

+ Added option autoCenter
+ Added option zoom
+ Added property animating
+ Added property zoom
+ Added method center
+ Added method destroy
+ Added method is
+ Added method zoom
+ Added event missing
+ Added event zooming
+ Added class .even
+ Added class .fixed
+ Added class .hard
+ Added class .odd
+ Added class .own-size
+ Added class .sheet
+ Added class .sheet
+ Added the ignore attribute
+ New turn.html4.js
+ New scissors.js
+ Changed the class .turn-page to .page
+ Improved the animation frame generator with requestAnimationFrame
+ Improved the animation speed for hard pages with CSS3 transitions
+ Redesigned the event sequence to listen to only three events
+ Fixed issue #79
+ Fixed issue #91
+ Fixed issue about the event order turning
+ turned
+ Fixed issue about appending pages in wrong locations

Release 3 - 2012/03/01

+ Added 'range'
+ Added 'addPage'
+ Added 'removePage'
+ Added 'hasPage'
+ Added 'pages'
+ Added 'display'
+ Added 'when' to the initial configuration
+ Added 'pages' to the initial configuration
+ Added 'inclination' to the initial configuration
+ Added 'first' event
+ Added 'last' event
+ Added gradients for non-webkit browsers

Release 2 - 2012/02/15

+ Added 'size'.
+ Bug in Chrome 17-18 Beta about losing background-image was fixed.

Release 1 - 2012/02/05
+ First alpha release